Friday, August 15, 2008

The Weakening of America
(America in Prophecy, a poem)

Twice put high (WWI & “WWII)
Twice put low (Dec 7, and 9/11)
What is happening to you, America?
The Orient is weakening you!
You have conflicts everywhere,
And when the time of need comes
You’ll have no fruit to bear…”
Yes, of yes, Alas! But you will fail
At the time of real need—your
Adversary will make you wail.
Long wars, seldom fun, never won
Those you now call friend,
Will end, a short marriage at best,
And evil has an iron breast
It will double in your time, with
Death and dissention; rulers
Incapable will rise, ride the tide
Chased by the sea, out of the
Pacific, looking for peace—the
Adversary watche; there
In the Middle East, in
Palestine, in old Yugoslavia too…
Terror, and trembles, with
Huge fires and blood—ambition,
Pestilence, and all their kings,
Condemn in secret, America!
But it will all be soon, she
America comes too late, to save
The day, and so the land becomes
Desolate and divided, and the
Unwise, kings bring death
To the Great Nations..:!

No: 4350/8-15-2008

Note: Here is what I see on the horizon, between Russia, China, Iran Egypt, North Korea, America, the EU, Cuba, Syria, Iraq, Venezuela, the club of nations that seem to be at odds with America, to mention just a few, and a few not mentioned nations, the fate or man’s destiny rides just in front of it. I do believe, living through the 1980s, God gave may a reprieve, in that it pardoned its sins because some nations bent their knees, and thus, allowed the ones tht didn’t along with them more life to fixes thing up. And it did for a spell, now it has becomes whose than ever. So you see wea re back on first base, again.


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